Cardiff Council Update: 18 October 2022

Here is our latest update, covering: Cardiff's Local Development Plan annual report shows good progress made; the Ask Cardiff 2022 survey is open; and unpaid Carers have their say on what they need to feel supported.


Cardiff's Local Development Plan annual report shows good progress made

The sixth annual report on Cardiff's Adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) shows good progress has made across the range of indicators, with the findings being discussed by Cardiff Council's Cabinet at its meeting on October 20th.

The council is required to submit an LDP monitoring report to Welsh Government each year to test and check the plan is still fit for purpose, with this latest report relating to the period between April 1st 2021 and March 31st 2022.

The Adopted LDP, adopted in January 2016, acts as a blueprint for the future of the city up until 2026, and allows the council to have control over the different types of development that are built in different areas of the city. The plan responds to the current issues and needs the city faces, by setting out a strategy, proposals, and policies on how the city will change in the future.

The report assesses the updated position on employment, housing, affordable housing, transport, gypsy and travellers' sites, supplementary planning guidance and any changes to the plan.

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Ask Cardiff 2022

Cardiff Council once again wants to Ask Cardiff what's important to citizens and local communities in the city.


In its annual survey that gives people living and working in Cardiff and visitors the chance to share their experiences of public services, the Council is keen to better understand how people experience the city and services to help inform planning for the future.


Ask Cardiff 2022 is now available online at and everyone who takes part in the 20 minute survey will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a family ticket to skate at this year's Winter Wonderland or one of ten £50 FOR Cardiff vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops and restaurants.


Paper copies of the survey will also be available to complete in hubs, libraries and other community buildings around the city.


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Unpaid Carers have their say on what they need to feel supported

Unpaid carersin Cardiff have given their views on what matters to them and in response, Cardiff Council in partnership with other organisations are undertaking a range of improvementsto the support available to them. This is to includethe implementation of two new charters which will be recommended for approval by Cardiff Council's Cabinet when it meets next Thursday, 20thOctober.

The Cardiff & Vale Unpaid Carers Charter and Young Unpaid Carers Charter set out a clear direction for the planning and development of support to all unpaid carers across the region over the next five years.

An unpaid carer is anyone who cares for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction cannot live independently in the community without their support.

Strengthening the work already underway, the Charters will aim toimprove support for unpaid carers, explore and identify new ways of working and increase accessibility to information, advice, and assistance for unpaid carers. Two visions have been set out to underpin the Charters:

Unpaid Carer Vision- To identify and recognise unpaid carers for the vital contribution they make to the community and the people they care for, and in doing so enable unpaid carers to have a life alongside caring.

Young Unpaid Carer Vision- Young unpaid carers are really important to us, to the communities where they live and to the people they care for.  We want to know if you care for someone, so that we can help you and the person you care for, and make sure you have time to do things for yourself.

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