Latest Releases

Lovell and Cardiff Council celebrate ‘topping out' of first apartment block at community living scheme in St Mellons; Cardiff Commitment awarded Public Sector Organisation of the Year award!; Riverside park makeover complete; and more
Developer Lovell and Cardiff Council have hosted a ‘topping out’ ceremony, to celebrate the roof being installed on the first apartment block at the St Mellons Community Living Project.
Here is your Friday update, covering: Kitchener Primary School applauded by school inspectors; Maitland Park play area improvements unveiled; Cardiff public sector worker spends nothing on petrol and gets paid by his energy company
The makeover of a city park to incorporate new features and create a more pleasant environment has been completed.
Road closures for the Principality Cardiff Half Marathon on October 6th; More plans for more homes; The Rainbow Federation commended by Estyn for strong leadership and effective collaboration; New ‘Cardiff Music City' funding
September 2025 secondary school applications now open ;More empowered, healthy and happy: Age Friendly Cardiff Action Plan; Ysgol Bro Eirwg praised by school inspectors
Cardiff Council Offered Settlement in Landfill Tax Dispute with HMRC; More plans for more homes; Fairwater Community Campus - Statement from Cardiff Council; and more
Applications for secondary school places to start in September 2025 open today (Monday 23, September 2024)
Plans for another 280 new council homes for the city, to help ease the extreme housing pressures facing the council, have been announced today.
Cardiff Council has been informed that ISG Construction Ltd, the main contractor for the Fairwater Community Campus project, has filed for administration.
A renewed commitment to making Cardiff a great place to grow older is at the heart of a new draft action plan.
Here is your Friday update, covering: Building a Stronger, Fairer, Greener Cardiff progressing, but challenges remain; School inspectors find Ysgol Melin Gruffydd ‘vibrant and inclusive'; The Court's nurturing learning praised by Estyn
Good progress made delivering a stronger, fairer, and greener Cardiff, but significant challenges ahead; New ‘Academi for Young Musicians' launched; Cardiff publishes new strategy to tackle inequality city-wide; and more
Cardiff publishes new strategy to tackle inequality city-wide; New ‘Academi for Young Musicians' launched; Adult Learning Cardiff - a great way to boost your job prospects; RSPCA Gold awards for Cardiff Dogs Home
Cardiff Council's ambitious programme to create a stronger, fairer, and greener capital city is evaluated in the authority’s latest Wellbeing Report, and while the assessment shows good progress has been made, it also identifies future risks and areas in
In a bid to tackle inequality across Cardiff, the Council has published a new document outlining an ambitious vision for equality for the next four years.