Latest Releases

Lansdowne Primary School Headteacher Michelle Jones and her Deputy Head, Catherine Cooper have won first prize in the St David's Awards, the national awards of Wales.
There was a time when we all hoped to be in a job for life but how many can claim today to have worked for the same employer – doing more or less the same tasks – for the past 50 years?
Nakeisha Sheppard is certainly someone who enjoys her work but then, as Cardiff Council’s first Play Officer Trainee that’s hardly a surprise.
The English-Speaking Union Primary School Competition saw ten Cardiff primary schools compete against each other in a series of debates which took place at Howells School recently.
Thousands of children and young people across Cardiff have taken advantage of eight weeks of leisure, sports and cultural events held in the city as part of the Winter of Wellbeing festival
A new exhibition of artistic work by young people from Cardiff with experience of being in care will open next week in St David’s Centre
A commitment to pay its employees the Living Wage and encourage employers across the city to do the same has earned Cardiff Council a nomination for a national honour.
The changing needs of those living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, including some early insights into the impact of the pandemic, are outlined in a major new report.
Cardiff Council has unveiled a series of innovative measures, including free driving lessons, to attract new recruits into its social care services.
A special ground-breaking ceremony marks the start of construction on a new primary school to be located at the St Edeyrns development.
Cardiff has emerged as one of the best cities in the UK in which to live and work, according to an influential new report.
A public consultation on Cardiff Council's School Admission Arrangements for 2023/24 has now concluded and views have been given on a range of proposals including changes to Cardiff's coordinated school admissions.
A wide-ranging public consultation to examine the impact of expanding Pentyrch Primary School has revealed broad approval for the plan.
A series of proposals to expand provision for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN), Complex Learning Needs (CLN) and Emotional Health and Wellbeing Needs have recently undergone public consultation and the results will be publis
High school pupils across Cardiff are being encouraged to channel their inner Barack Obama and become the debating stars of the future.
Cardiff Council has announced that ISG has been selected as the preferred bidder for the design and build of a new joint education campus, to be located in the Fairwater area of the city.