Latest Releases

Cardiff Council's Planning Department have today, (Tuesday 6 April) approved plans to build a new primary school at the St Edeyrns development to serve parts of Pontprennau and Old St Mellons, located east of the Pontprennau link road.
A series of brand new outdoor storytelling trails located across the city, will begin opening to the public from later this month.
Today, an alternative ground breaking ceremony has been held to mark the start of construction of the new Fitzalan High School, a scheme jointly funded by Cardiff Council and Welsh Government through the 21stCentury Schools and Education Investment progr
Ever wondered how an elephant cleans its teeth or how to fit a bowling ball inside a vacuum?
From Monday 15, schools will welcome back the rest of primary age children and older secondary age pupils.
A new initiative to transform lanes and alleyways into fun, green and safe spaces for children to play, is being piloted in Grangetown this month.
Cardiff Council will deliver more than 450 scooters and balance bikes to schools and play settings this month, providing increased play opportunities for children who may have missed out during COVID-19 whilst supporting schools to promote active travel.
A report which recommends plans are progressed to relocate and rebuild a replacement Willows High School will go to Cardiff Council's Cabinet when it meets on Thursday 25, February.
From Monday, schools will welcome back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Two former pupils from Fitzalan High School have secured employment with Kier, the contractor chosen to deliver the brand new school which will replace the existing Fitzalan High School, in the Canton area of the city.
An evaluation of Cardiff Council's approach to assisting learners in the city during the COVID-19 pandemic has found sustained strategic leadership, strong communication and an emphasis on partnership working to support teachers, children and young peopl
The contract to build a new home for Fitzalan High School has been awarded to Kier, as the latest scheme to be delivered under Cardiff's £284m Band B, 21stCentury Schools and Education Programme progresses
Cardiff Council in partnership with Cardiff University, is providing children and young people with a unique and innovative opportunity to help shape the future of Cardiff by using a virtual game platform.
The progress Cardiff has made in working towards becoming a globally recognised Unicef Child Friendly City, will be outlined in a report to go to Cardiff Council's Cabinet when it meets on Thursday 21, January.
Cardiff is applying the Welsh Government Key Worker definition, however, provision in each school depends on school staffing levels & capacity. Children of parents in frontline blue light services, NHS, school workers & social care need to be prioritised
In Cardiff, whilst schools are closed due to COVID-19 and during school holiday periods, parents and carers of children receiving Free School Meals are sent a downloadable voucher.