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Lakeside Primary School has this week officially opened Ty Bronwen, a new wellbeing pod provided by the Bronwen's W;sh charity.
Cllr Jane Henshaw has officially taken up her role as Cardiff new Lord Mayor.
In a street just off Cardiff’s bustling City Road a group of people wait patiently in the drizzle, outside an unassuming building. It’s ten minutes before the door opens, they’re handed a ticket, and they file in to do their weekly shopping
With around 270 official engagements under her belt, including tree-planting ceremonies, charity fund-raisers, Royal salutes and school visits, no-one can say Bablin Molik has spent the past year as Cardiff's Lord Mayor twiddling her thumbs.
Two years ago, at the end of a successful season, Llandaff Cricket Club was looking forward to a bright future, introducing the sport to women, boys and girls, in addition to continuing its senior teams' rise up the local league tables.
Cardiff Council has published the results of a comprehensive review into how it engages with the public and ensures their views are taken into account in the decision-making process.
By any standards, the year Cllr Graham Hinchey spent as Cardiff’s Lord Mayor could be classed as truly remarkable.
Cardiff’s share of the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) – designed to replace funding previously provided by the EU – has been spent benefiting hundreds of people and projects across the city.
The achievements of a group of young people on a council traineeship programme have been celebrated in a special presentation event this week.
Cardiff Council is set to endorse a wide-ranging report which sets out plans to develop the social care of the region over the next five years
Cardiff Council has pledged its support for the ‘My Things Matter' campaign, an initiative that helps to make sure that children and young people in care are treated with respect and dignity when they move home.
The RT. Hon Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Graham Hinchey has visited six Cardiff primary schools to celebrate their winning fundraising ideas for Guide Dogs Cymru, the Lord Mayors chosen charity for 2022/23.
An ambitious and wide-ranging programme of actions designed to address racial discrimination and promote race equality in Cardiff has been welcomed by Cardiff Council’s Cabinet as it monitors progress made since the Race Equality Taskforce was set up in
Brewery Park opened; ALN: important information for families; financial help for school essentials; charity benefits from grand day out
Here’s your Friday update, covering: WWE event road closures; Welsh language sports in the Summer of Fun; Brewery Park play area opens; Lord Mayor’s charity latest; help for parents with school essentials; new flower displays
From September, eligible learners in Cardiff will receive additional financial support from the Welsh Government School Essentials scheme (Pupil Development Grant Access) which helps with the cost of uniform, sports equipment, stationery, and devices. Th