Latest Releases

Cardiff Council has installed five special cigarette butt bins designed to ballot smokers as part of the ‘Love Where You Live’ campaign.
1 Why is planning permission given to so many new student accommodation projects? Although the numbers have slowed in recent years, the number of students enrolling in Cardiff University and Cardiff Met alone have increased by 35% over the last 15 years.
Cardiff’s impressive recycling rates are praised on the eve of Recycle Week – but the message is that more still needs to be done.
Going to Cardiff Dogs Home is now just a click away following the launch of their new website.
A rare Chinese tree has flowered in Roath Park for the first time since it was planted over 100 years ago.
Cardiff Council's annual survey giving residents the chance to share their experiences of public services has launched.
Viridor’s Trident Park Energy Recovery Facility and Cardiff Council are helping pupils at 98 Cardiff primary schools learn more about protecting marine wildlife by keeping plastic out of our oceans.
An online video made by pupils at Radnor Primary School in Canton celebrating car-free day has won a city-wide competition.
A dream job like no other, located on an island gem five miles off shore from Cardiff with its own lighthouse, it was an opportunity Mat Brown could not resist. Mat successfully landed the job of Warden on Flat Holm Island and is now looking forward to b
Leader of Cardiff Council, Cllr Huw Thomas, and Cabinet Member for Planning for Strategic Planning, Cllr Caro Wild, joined First Minister, Carwyn Jones, this week in support of the Welsh Government's recently announced £60m commitment for active travel o
Over 200 primary school children in Cardiff help give nature a home as part of RSPB Cymru's Wild Walkabout
With less than a month to go until the world's toughest and most prestigious sailing series arrives in the Welsh capital, Cardiff demonstrates its sustainability credentials ahead of the environmentally-focused event.
One of Cardiff's most iconic venues has committed to removing all single-use, disposable plastics from its operations by the end of next month. One of Cardiff's most iconic venues has committed to removing all single-use, disposable plastics from its o
A new pilot scheme is being proposed to increase the number of vehicle electrical charging points in the Welsh Capital.
In less than 60 days the world's most prestigious sailing series will arrive in Cardiff and for the first time in the history of the race, it will make a 15 day stopover in the Welsh capital.
Proposals for a new cemetery in the north of the city which will provide a long-term solution to Cardiff's burial space shortage has been agreed by the Council's Cabinet today.