How Cardiff Council manages Section 106 funding for the development of community projects goes before the Environmental Scrutiny Committee tomorrow (January 16, 2018).
How a range of services delivered by the Council's City Operations Directorate are being improved through the use of modern technologies will be reviewed by the Environmental Scrutiny Committee tomorrow (January 16, 2018).
A scheme designed to stop Roath Brook from bursting its banks is to be reviewed by Cardiff Council's Environmental Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday.
Cardiff's Environmental Scrutiny Committee is due to receive an item titled Greener Grangetown - Member Update at its meeting on Tuesday 7th November.
How Cardiff Council manages trees on its land will be discussed at a Scrutiny Committee meeting next week.
Storey Arms has been commended for the positive impact it has on pupils when they return to school after taking-part in a range of experiences at the Cardiff Council-run outdoor education centre.
Core City Leaders and Mayors have gathered in Cardiff to call on the Government to take more action on air pollution, responsible for 15,000 deaths across the ten cities every year.
Pioneering work that allows power to be generated from portable solar fields is being carried out at Cardiff Council's Lamby Way depot and on Flat Holm Island.
The report will be heard at the Council's Cabinet meeting on Thursday 21st September and will raise various recommendations to improve the quality of rivers and watercourses in Cardiff and the wider South East Wales River Basin.
Cardiff Dogs Home and Cardiff Council’s Emergency Management Unit have won RSPCA Cymru awards for their efforts to improve animal welfare.
Cardiff Harbour Authority (CHA) has come up with an innovative idea to reuse and recycle items dredged up from Cardiff Bay, highlighting the environmental issue of incorrect waste disposal in our oceans.
An exhibition to mark the 150th anniversary of Cardiff Naturalists’ Society is to be held at Cardiff Story Museum next month.
A greyhound from Cardiff Dogs Home has appeared on Channel 4’s popular pet programme ‘Animal Rescue Live’.
A two-year-old Boxer cross named Fiona has been stolen from Cardiff Dogs Home!
A city-wide campaign aimed at preventing garden waste contamination has just been launched!
A 1million pound programme to upgrade lighting in 22 Cardiff schools has saved 1,168,638 kWh of energy.