Latest Releases

Like most local authorities in Wales, Cardiff Council continues to experience unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19. Social care has been particularly impacted as the demand for services rise, while at the same time there is a nationwide workforce
More information on the development of the International Sports Village (ISV) has been revealed.
A scheme to encourage families to prepare, cook and eat together, will see more than 20,000 meals provided during this year's summer holidays.
More than 40 million items of PPE delivered across Cardiff, and 2,295 food packages delivered to people shielding from COVID-19 in the city, are just some of the incredible Social Services numbers which have been revealed in a report to Cardiff Council.
A Cardiff Council spokesperson said: "Plans for the new velodrome in the Bay are supported by key cycling organisations including British Cycling, Welsh Cycling, Welsh Triathlon, the Maindy Flyers, Cardiff Ajax and many other cycling clubs across the...
A brand new velodrome at the International Sports Village in Cardiff Bay is on track for delivery in 2022/23
School children from Cardiff have played a significant role in the launch of a new service development within the Cardiff Health Access Practice (CHAP).
A Cardiff Council spokesperson said: “Since the First Minister’s announcement last Friday, when the nation went into Tier One of lockdown, the council has been exploring the possibility of holding fanzones for Wales’ games at the Euros.
Cardiff International White Water will re-open on Monday (3rd May). Cardiff Riding School and the council-operated Channel View Leisure Centre will re-open from Tuesday (4th May) as Coronavirus restrictions ease.
An outdoor table tennis table has been installed in Bute Park in memory of a former Cardiff University student who died suddenly in his sleep at just 29 years old, after going to bed with a fever.
A series of brand new outdoor storytelling trails located across the city, will begin opening to the public from later this month.
Plans for Cardiff Blues to run Pentwyn Leisure Centre as a community leisure facility, following an extensive refurbishment that will include a new swimming pool, gym area, 3G pitch and café, have been revealed.
Cardiff Council will deliver more than 450 scooters and balance bikes to schools and play settings this month, providing increased play opportunities for children who may have missed out during COVID-19 whilst supporting schools to promote active travel.
From Monday, schools will welcome back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
A report has been published of the recent inspection of Cardiff Council's Social Services carried by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).
Every resident and staff member in older people's care homes across Cardiff has received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.